Neatham Down

Neatham Down is a proposed new community. It takes its name from the nearby Roman-British settlement and medieval manor of Neatham and the field known as Neatham Down. Forming part of the market town of Alton, the new community would be enclosed by the ridgeline which provides a natural boundary for the site to the north, east and south.
Our proposal is to realise the unique opportunity to create a genuinely quality place, which brings together the best built environment traditions of rural Hampshire with the sustainability of living in Alton. As a compact, walkable market town with a full range of services, mainline train connection and existing local public transportation network, Alton is ideally situated for an integrated community at  Neatham Down.


The sponsors of this development put together a proposal which was issues in 2019. A copy of which can be found here:- Neatham Down initial proposal.


To bring some perspective on the impact of this proposal the map below shows the site and the Holybourne proposal overlaying the satellite map of the area. The blanked area is the input in the local plan relating to Neatham Down itself. The inserted detail is part of an original proposal, still valid on the EHDC site relating to a 2019 initial scenario and detailed in the above document.



The plan below is taken from the local plan and indicates how the planners see the utilisation of this area