This page is a record of the correspondence concerning the Redbrown developments at the top

You may have received Redbrown’s leaflet outlining their vision for a new neighbourhood in Holybourne. Those in the Village will also have received a leaflet from the Holybourne Village Association. Please do let Redbrown know what you think about the development of a large number of houses which will be accessed via the current children’s playground site on London Road. There was an overwhelming consensus at the village meeting held in the Church a year ago against any such development. The HVA have arranged a meeting on Friday 24th Jan in Holyrood Church to expand on the development and its effect on the whole area.

Re note below from Redbrown:

Does Holybourne need a new neighbourhood? Please do make your feelings known.

“Villages are usually too small to have separate neighborhoods; they are mostly one community.”

No we are a community not separate neighbourhoods.

Please however you feel about this do go along and make your feelings known. They will count this as community engagement no matter how many or how few turn up so please do let them know your feelings.

Froyle Estate – Update
I wanted to let you all know that we will be consulting with the community later this month on our proposals for a sensitively designed new neighbourhood in Holybourne. This will include a drop-in session in Holybourne between 4pm and 7pm on Wednesday 29th January.  We would like to hear your thoughts, suggestions and concerns to help us shape our proposals.
Further details on how to get involved via our online consultation, post, telephone, email or in person (via our drop in session) will follow via post next week.
I really want to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their thoughts and therefore if during this time some residents are unable to respond (due to work or personal commitments) I am happy to arrange to meet with those residents at the Estate Office.
Kind regards  Fiona Jaques
Redbrown Limited

The map below shows the proposed development site – please note that at the Consultation meeting it was shown that the children’s Playground is not part of the development area.

The above map shows the development that is proposed by Redbrown for some of the land they own in Holybourne. The full document is available to read from: HERE

The plans above have been put onto a satellite image of the village which is below the re-cap info.

Holybourne Community Group Facebook PageThis is the link for the Holybourne Community Group.