
The Redbrown Public Exhibition is now over. There is still time to make your comments to the developers using the Redbrown website feedback. Just search for ‘holybourne-your-feedback.co.uk’ but use Google because MS Bing/Edge cannot find it. The questions are designed to prompt your answers, by all means follow the prompts but don’t feel constrained by them. It is your chance to voice your feelings openly


Below you will find copies of the two leaflets circulated in reference to the upcoming meeting  in the Village Hall on Wednesday 29th Jan between 4:00 and 6:45pm where their plans for local house building will be put forward for comment.The HVA urge you all to go along and make comments. If you could also send those comments to us at “planning@holybourne.com” then we can collate and record all the comments. Thanks in advance from the HVA


BEWARE ALL: There is currently a SCAM going on in Alton Car Parks; false QR codes have been put on the pay stations they send you to fake websites which take your money and you’ll be fined for not having a valid ticket too.

The Bin collection dates over Christmas have been updated on the EHDC website. If you go to it via our link in Business Services, you will find the new one.


There have been quite a number of interesting messages about planning on the WhatApp Groups.

I have transferred the contents to the ANP pages on this site and they need to be consolidated within our records of our struggle with planning


An excellent firework display this year! The weather was kind and we must give thanks to all the organisers of this display. As you know we were unable to have a bonfire due to the archaeological status of this site. This will probably be the case next year but the HVA will now have a year to come up with an alternative (- rather than the 2 weeks this time).  We’re on the case.

Next Saturday will be the Remembrance parade – see details on the home page.


The Holybourne Fireworks display is set for 2nd November however this year we are unable to have a bonfire. Fireworks are still due to start at 7:30

and the Remembrance Ceromony at the War Memorial is on 9th November


Next Tuesday’s coffee morning at the Church, (24/09 – 10:00 to 12:00) is in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

We are pleased to announce the the Holybourne Fireworks display will be on Saturday 2nd November. Details of how to get tickets will be available soon.

The HVA meeting on Tuesday 8th October will be the AGM. Please come along and support us and maybe even volunteer to help next year


At the Town Council meeting on Wed 4th, the Council voted to defer sending the Alton neighbourhood plan draft to what is called regulation 14, a public consultation. This is to allow the draft plan to be corrected because it had a lot of misleading or just plain wrong statements in it. It will also allow us to suggest alternative sites that don’t currently appear in the ANP. I want to convene another village meeting to talk about possibilities and a strategy for the way forward.


Alton Town Council will be meeting on Wednesday Sept 4th at 7pm. Venue is the Assembly Rooms.
They will be discussing the next steps for the Alton Neighbourhood Plan.


There is a lunch event on Wednesday 15th in the church. It is open for anyone to drop in on and enjoy a lunch with a friendly bunch!


As noticed by walkers, there is a planning application for a new barn on the Belport/Redbrown Farm between Holybourne and Froyle. The notice says it may affect footpaths. There is a link to the planning documents on our planning application page see below to get there.


Another summer fete and the rain held off too! A great deal of thanks to all those who helped make this a successful event.


Sadly there were 2 dead ducks on the road by the pond. Most like;ly a speeding car entering the village from Brokenhill Lane. There are signs for ducks and speed limit signs, people should observe them and act on them.

Much chatter too over new signs closing footpaths on the surrounding farmland. This is a result of reviews taking place by the new owners of the estate. The farm manager came to the June HVA meeting and gave a short explanation. It can be read in the June minutes


As we find out that the General Election will be held on 4th July we also have updates to the issues around planning. Many details have recently come to the fore and the ANP page shows these.


The recent Traffic Survey undertaken by many intrepid volunteers and compiled by Megan-Beth Millar is now available to read. There is a link to it in the Planning section of the Home page


Our new vicar, the Rev David Chattell has moved into the vicarage with his family. He starts work next week and his first service is next Sunday, 14th at 9.30am.


The consultation on the East Hants Draft Local Plan has ended. If you have commented and EHDC have sent you an email relating to “Commonplace”, then by following the link in the email you can see all the comments made though you’ll need to look up the paragraphs to which they refer.

The contract building the LIDL store complex includes laying the footpath to Holybourne Village. The shops could not open until this was complete – hence the long delay. The contractor wants to complete the surfacing of the path but needs a traffic control system in place to do so. Highways have said they will consider this until the SEE work on the Bordon Road is finished – sometime in August. I (WebEditor) believe that some compromise has been reached and the stores can open at last


East Hants have begun the consultation on the Draft Local Plan 2021-2040 (Regulation 18). The consultation is running from Monday 22 January until Monday 4 March 2024. YOU HAVE 9 MORE days to make comments. To get involved please go to their planning website.

The SEB are working on the electricity cable upgrade. Mill Lane is now open again but the Bordon Road is closed after Windmill Hill.

The contract building the LIDL store complex includes laying the footpath to Holybourne Village. The shops could not open until this was complete – hence the long delay. The contractor wants to complete the surfacing of the path but needs a traffic control system in place to do so. Highways have said they will consider this until the SEE work on the Bordon Road is finished – sometime in August. I (WebEditor) believe that some compromise has been reached and the stores can open at last


East Hants have begun the consultation on the Draft Local Plan 2021-2040 (Regulation 18). The consultation is running from Monday 22 January until Monday 4 March 2024. YOU HAVE 9 MORE days to make comments. To get involved please go to their planning website.

The SEB are working on the electricity cable upgrade. Mill Lane is now open again but the Bordon Road is closed after Windmill Hill.


There’s to be an open meeting on Jan 29th of the Alton Climate Action Network (ACAN) in The Maltings. It is to encourage new people to get involved in running ACAN, as the founding trustees will be standing down.

East Hants have begun the consultation on the Draft Local Plan 2021-2040 (Regulation 18). The consultation is running from Monday 22 January until Monday 4 March 2024. To get involved please go to their planning website.  There will also be a consultation meeting on 3rd Feb (10am – 2pm) also in the Maltings to have your say on the Local Plan.

The SEB have started work on the electricity cable upgrade and Mill Lane is closed to through traffic.

17 /01/2024
The HVA would like to give enormous thanks to all who attended the meeting on Monday 8th January 2024, 7.30pm in the Church.  The slides presented can be viewed from the ANP page on this website – follow the links.

Update on the Neighbourhood Plan pages

Can I suggest that everyone looks at the Neatham Down proposal on EHDC’s website? The site does not lie either in the Alton or Holybourne area and as such will not feature in the Alton Neighbourhood Plan. It is actually in Binsted Parish. As a matter of fact the original 1200 house proposal in Holybourne was not rejected on the grounds of Flooding. I think it is important that arguments can be based on facts so I will ask our District Councillor Graham Hill, who has been closely involved in both EHDC’s Local Plan and the Alton Neighbourhood Plan to describe the proposal in detail at the next meeting of the HVA which is on Tuesday 13th February at 7.30pm in Holybourne Village Hall. Come along and ask your questions.

07 /01/2024
REMEMBER there is a village meeting tomorrow, Monday 8th January 2024, 7.30pm in the Church where the HVA Planning group will report back on what we learned from our meeting with representatives of the landowner and what we have done so far. If you want to know what is planned please do come along and offer us your advice on what you want us to do next. It is imperative that someone comes from every household please. Lots of people do not use social media so please do spread the word. Redbrown have submitted a proposal for the development and a copy can be found from this site’s Neighbourhood Plan page.

Holybourne also welcomes Revd David Chattell as new vicar


There is a revised planning application for houses in the conservation area, details on the planning page – highlighted in red


Treloars have applied to move St Swithuns way from the present route through their property to around it. Details are found on our Neighbourhood Plan page.

The village Act of Remembrance takes place on Saturday 11th November at 10.30 for 10.45 this year. Everyone in the village is invited to attend, opposite the war memorial adjacent to the Howards Lane junction.


The next meeting of the HVA is the Annual General Meeting to which all are welcome. It is on 10th October in the Village Hall with a planned start of 7:30pm

Veolia’s proposal for an anaerobic digestion facility and waste transfer station near Alton has been given the go-ahead

8 /9 /2023

Public consultation TODAY at Assembly Rooms 3-7PM, tomorrow 10AM-1PM.

Important points:

Children are welcome. So are dogs! Horses must be tied up outside.

May’s consultation was about 600+ dwellings, this one is about a new proposal for 223 dwellings (and the extra 500 cars).

This is your chance to have YOUR say directly to those making the plan. It makes a real difference – I have seen it first hand.

If you and your partner/kids attend, then feel free to BOTH comment. Comments are recorded by individual comment, not by household. The more you comment, the better.


A plea to all villagers, if possible please attend one of the two sessions in the Alton Assembly Rooms Fri 7th (3pm – 7pm) and Sat 8th (10am- 1pm) to give your opinions on the proposed neighbourhood plan. There is immense pressure on EHDC to build new housing to meet govt targets and given that 60% of Hampshire is South Down National Park which has strict limits on development, the bulk of the targets falls on land outside the park. Holybourne is an area where major development is being considered. We need to robustly oppose this but allowing building in keeping with a village theme.


We will be serving simple lunches (including a gluten free option) at the Church of the Holy Rood at 12.30pm on Wednesdays 2, 9, 16 and 23 August. The cost will be £4 per person per lunch (or whatever you can afford) and any profits will go to charity. If you would like to attend please let us know by Tuesday at noon. All welcome, including children! ruthmaryrandall@gmail.com / 01420 549567


Hooray!  The water leak on London Road is at last being fixed. We won’t need to buy it a birthday cake which would have been July 4th.

Following the recent (June) HVA meeting we have decided to upload the current month’s minutes in draft form. Previously they would not have been available until after ratification at the following monthly meeting. This will now give a  more up-to-date view.

The Neighbourhood Plan meetings in the Town Hall are over. Our Holybourne rep on the planning team is Paul Fitzgibbon and he will welcome all comments during the development of the Plan. You can send them by email to the planning link from this website.


The town of Alton welcomes this year’s official Armed Forces Day Convoy which will arrive in Anstey Park on Saturday 24 June. The route through the town is Butts Road, High Street, Normandy Street and Anstey Road with access to the park being via the Anstey Road entrance.


The Neighbourhood Plan meetings in the Town Hall are over. Our Holybourne rep on the planning team is Paul Fitzgibbon and he will welcome all comments during the development of the Plan. You can send them by email to the planning link from this website.

There is a Planning application submitted for 4 houses on the land between Howards Land and the R.Wey leaving the Church Pond. See the planning link below (Westbrook House)

The town of Alton welcomes this year’s official Armed Forces Day Convoy which will arrive in Anstey Park on Saturday 24 June. The route through the town is Butts Road, High Street, Normandy Street and Anstey Road with access to the park being via the Anstey Road entrance.

The Neighbourhood Plan meetings in the Town Hall are over. Our Holybourne rep on the planning team is Paul Fitzgibbon and he will welcome all comments during the development of the Plan. You can send them by email to the planning link from this website.

The town of Alton welcomes this year’s official Armed Forces Day Convoy which will arrive in Anstey Park on Saturday 24 June. The route through the town is Butts Road, High Street, Normandy Street and Anstey Road with access to the park being via the Anstey Road entrance.

The Neighbourhood Plan meetings in the Town Hall are over. Our Holybourne rep on the planning team is Paul Fitzgibbon and he will welcome all comments during the development of the Plan. You can send them by email to the planning link from this website.


The Coronation weekend draws to a close and although the weather was not the best for the street parties, for the Coronation Fete it couldn’t have been better. The games went off well. The Tug-of-War proved very popular and competitive. Nice to see a mixture of local groups providing entertainment and goods for all. Big thanks to Sid for the ‘mini-mart’ and to the Cricket Club for the bar. A big hand too to Blue Eyed Soul who entertained us with some brilliant music. Finally a ‘well done’ to Megan-Beth for coordinating everyone – not an easy task.


It’s nearly here. The Coronation Weekend is fast approaching.

Holybourne’s Big Coronation Weekend
6th 7th 8th May 2023

To celebrate the coronation on King Charles III and Queen Camilla, the Holybourne Village Association invite you to a weekend of festivities.

Their Majesties want to encourage people to spend the Coronation Weekend celebrating with friends, families and their communities and people across the country and the Commonwealth are invited to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort over a weekend of special events. Obviously as a village we are happy to oblige!


Plans for the Coronation picnic are well underway. There is a lot of info on the Coronation WhatsApp Group. There is a link to a Coronation page (under construction) from the picture.


The Village Hall Quiz is sold out.

There is a plea from the HVA see below left



Treloar’s School swimming pool is opened. HVA are looking to do some remedial landscaping work around the village pond. And the Village Hall has a new notice board.



And so we enter the new year. The HVA January meeting minutes and the Winter Magazine are on the site and there is an article about the potential planning proposal for development at the Veolia site.


Last time I’ll write 2022! Now is the time to gather your resolutions for the New Year.

I’ll include with mine, aiming to get my bins out on time. I missed the recycling one last week so my bin’s overflowing!!


The tree is up and lit. The children have added some super decorations to it.

Remember there will be carols round the tree on Wednesday at 7pm the festive season is beginning to get more cheerful each day.


The next HVA meeting is on 13th, if you have any issues you would like us to consider please email us and we will include them in the agenda. You are of course all welcome to come to the meeting (see HVA page for details)

We hope to get the village Christmas Tree on Saturday 10th to be put up at the Pub. Volunteers may be needed to assist – we’ll let you know.


The Village celebrated Thanasi and Steffi’s 1st anniversary at The White Hart with an evening celebration. There are many praising comments on The Support Hub and the HVA would like to add their good wishes too. Looking forward to the future too.


Holybourne Remembers: The weather was kind on Saturday when we in the village paid our respects to the fallen at our annual remembrance service at the War Memorial.
This year we also remembered our dear Queen who gave 70 years of service to the country as a whole.

There is a selection of photos in the photo gallery on this site.


Holybourne Village Assoc. meeting in village hall Tuesday 8th Nov from 8 pm

04 /11/2022

Dates for your diary –

The Holybourne Firework Display. Prices have been held at the same level for another year. See the ad.

Holybourne Theatre are running a quiz, tickets from their website

Children’s Literacy Charity are looking for volunteer readers for next year – see below.


Dates for your diary – The Holybourne Firework Display. Prices have been held at the same level for another year. See the ad.

On Saturday 29th October there will be a quiz at The Queens Head. See below


Cllr Mark Kemp-Gee has arranged a public meeting with iGas on Wednesday 12th October from 17.00 to 18.30 in Froyle Village Hall at which iGas representatives will provide a briefing on the proposed redevelopment of the Holybourne rail terminal. Residents can attend and ask questions. For more details see below.


Great News, The glass bin collections will re-start on Monday 3rd Oct. They will lift extra bottles if they are in reasonable containers. (sorry for mix up – bin collections will re-start on 3rd Oct as per schedule: this means the Holybourne glass uplift starts 17th Oct)


Dates for your diary – The Holybourne Firework Display. Prices have been held at the same level for another year. See the ad.

The HVA AGM is at 8pm on 11th October in the Village Hall



Changes to bin collections due to bank holiday to mark the Queen’s funeral Monday 19 September will be a bank holiday to coincide with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral. All bin collections in East Hampshire will be suspended for that day. From Tuesday 20 September, household bin collections will take place a day later than normal, including collections due on Friday 23 September moving to Saturday 24 September. Normal collections will resume on Monday 26 September. Household glass collections remain suspended


EHDC are still having difficulty with waste uplifts and have suspended kerbside glass recycling pickups this month. There is a message on the EHDC website about this: edited and copied on the home page below.

There are two up and coming festivals this month. Both of which may cause traffic holdups.
5th to 8th August is the Jalsa Salana UK festival on the Alton to Bordon Road at Oaklands Farm.
10th to 14th August is the Boomtown Fair is a four day festival set in the Matterley Estate Ovington Alresford
On the NEWS South East Water have said that they will be implementing a hosepipe ban. Holybourne is NOT affected by this ban. It is only customers in Kent and Sussex. Their advice though is to use water carefully.
Church Lane is still closed to through traffic so Howards Lane is busier. There also seems to be a stream of lorries carrying topsoil going up Howards Lane and coming back down empty. They have trouble getting in and out of the junction with London Road and have moved the diversion signs to ease their movement. Be careful when you try and cross here as they do seem to mount the pavement while turning.
You may have seen the notices at the Howards Lane London Road junction. Details are on the East Hants traffic website following the link to Holybourne London Road. You will see that comments need to be with East Hants by 22/07/22.
In Feb 2022 Chris Lion and Richard Hill looked into the dangers of this junction with particular regard to the parking around it. They presented their findings to the HVA committee which you can read from the link on this page.
And that’s it! The whole celebration is over. Many thanks must go to all the organisers who did a marvellous job bringing it all together; and thanks also to all the villagers who turned out to the various events including the Big Village Picnic where the weather was trying to threaten us.
Fantastic News: A new auction promise- A tour of Alan Titchmarsh’s garden for a party of 6 at a mutually agreed date!!
Silent Summer Screenings will be in Anstey Park on 7th July – see details below.
REMINDER of Jubilee Events       )
Jubilee Auction of Promises         )
Scarecrow Competition                 )                  – See the Jubilee Page
(Closes 1st June)                             )
Village Treasure Hunt                   )
Singsong Lyrics at end of Picnic )

An update from the Church about the Lent Holy Rood Coffee Mornings. Thanks to your generosity we have been able to send a total of £250 including gift aid to the DEC appeal for donations in aid of Ukraine. Thank you!
Alton Operatic and Dramatic Society (AODS) Present The Vicar of Dibley from 18th May, (see aods.org)

An update from the Church about the Lent Holy Rood Coffee Mornings. Thanks to your generosity we have been able to send a total of £250 including gift aid to the DEC appeal for donations in aid of Ukraine. Thank you!
Alton Operatic and Dramatic Society (AODS) Present The Vicar of Dibley from 18th May, (see aods.org)

Alton Operatic and Dramatic Society (AODS) Present The Vicar of Dibley from 18th May, (see aods.org)
There will be an Easter Trail for the children on Easter Sunday (17th April)
more detail to follow on Community FB

The Holybourne Village Hall would like to thank everyone who attended its quiz night on 5th March. It raised £695 towards the target of £2000 for roof repairs.

The Church coffee mornings have so far raised £111 for Ukraine.

Mothering Sunday service at Holy Rood
Sunday 27 March
3.15pm refreshments, service starts at 4pm
A relaxed, informal service
Posies for all the ladie

Holybourne Village is planning events to celebrate the up and coming Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. See a new “Holybourne Jubilee” WhatsApp group for details. We will be holding an Auction of promises: Jerusalema Dance (look it up): Zumba Session: “Treasure Hunt”: Street Parties (locally organised): and a Village Picnic on the sports field BYOB+Food, with bar and BBQ available from the Cricket Club.
More details to follow :
If you wish to pledge a promise for the auction you can send your promises to: mary_blackwell@icloud.com.
Street Parties already being organised are Rakemakers & Smithy Close: Vindomis: Church Lane & Howards Lane: Complins: Cranford Drive & Upper Neatham Mill Lane: Malthouse Mews & Some London Road: Downs View.
We welcome any ideas you might have for activities. Join the WhatsApp group and send them your thoughts.

All are welcome to visit Holy Rood church to sit quietly and reflect, and perhaps offer up a prayer, as well as add a tag to our ‘prayer tree’ in support of the nation of Ukraine and all its citizens as we pray for peace.

The church is open every day for visitors.

Want to know anything about the up and coming Queen’s Jubilee celebrations? See a new “Holybourne Jubilee” WhatsApp group for details.

Lent Lunches!
Come and join us from 12.30pm at Holy Rood Church every Wednesday during Lent for delicious soup accompanied by a bread roll, and enjoy fellowship and conversation.
9 March   16 March   23 March   30 March   6 April
Donations gratefully received in aid of our mission partner, Karamoja, in Uganda. All welcome!
Coffee Mornings – every Tuesday from 10am to 11.45am – for coffee, cake and conversation (healthy treats too!) – ending with a time of prayer from 11.45am to 12noon – all welcome, inc children and dogs – no charge but donations gratefully received – during Lent all donations will go to Ukraine.


White Hart Promotions

Why not treat yourself to one or more of these promotions at the White Hart this week?

  • Monday – butcher price on all our menu item meaty grills.
  • Tuesday – 2 for 1 burgers.
  • Every other Wednesday – quiz night and every other alternating one is curry and a house pint or glass of house wine for £12
  • Friday – Fizz nights where all fizz is discounted.


Take a look at the 2022  Holybourne Honeys’ programme by clicking on the link


New Year, New Job, Treloar’s are recruiting!

Treloar’s School and College, one of the biggest local employers, are recruiting.  For more details look at the Treloar’s website – https://www.treloar.org.uk/new-year-new-job-were-recruiting/


Christmas Services at Holy Rood

No Midnight Services at Holy Rood or St Lawrence (in town) on 24th December owing to the Covid risk. Christmas Day service at 9.30am; all welcome!

HVA Meeting

The next HVA Meeting is at 8pm on Tuesday 14th December at the Village Hall.  All welcome.  Please click on this link for the agenda.


HVA meeting Tuesday 9th November

The next HVA meeting will be at the Village Hall on Tuesday 9th November starting at 8pm.  Please come along if you would like to.  Click this link for the agenda.


A prayer station for COP26 at Holy Rood;

the church is open daily for visitors to pop in for quiet reflection


Holybourne Cup

Congratulations to Rob Law who has been awarded the Holybourne Cup this year for all the outstanding work he does for the village which includes organising the fireworks each year.  Well done Rob! A photo of Rob receiving the cup can be seen in the village photo section of the photo gallery.


HVA meeting

The next HVA meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 8pm in the Village Hall.  All welcome.  Please click this link to see the agenda.


London Road – drainage improvement works

Essential drainage improvement works will be undertaken on London Road, Holybourne between Complins and No. 79 London Road.  This will also include some minor repairs in Thornton End, adjacent to no. 43.  Due to the close proximity to the entrance of Treloar Collage, it is necessary to start these works during the school holidays to minimise the disruption when the new term starts in September. These works are currently programmed to start on Monday 16th August 2021 and are expected to take up to 5 weeks.  During this time the road will remain open to vehicular traffic, with a combination of minor traffic management and temporary traffic lights in place to undertake the works safely.  On occasions the traffic lights will be in operation 24 hours a day.


Holybourne Village Association AGM

The AGM for the HVA will be held on Tuesday 12th October at 8pm at Holy Rood Church.  Alistair Emery from Belport (the Estate Management Company for what was Froyle Estate) will be coming to give a talk at the meeting.  We hope by holding the meeting in the church, we will be able to socially distance a little more.  However, if you would prefer to join us by zoom, please let me know at secretary@holybourne.com, as I will be trying to set this up.  The HVA committee are also looking for new members, so please also contact me if you would be interested in joining it.  The agenda for the meeting can be found by clicking on this link – Agenda AGM 2021


The Holybourne Honeys have an updated programme with events for the rest of the year.  Click on the link to find out more.

2021 Holybourne Honeys’ programme


All going ahead on Sunday the 25th July in the village sports field. Nothing to threaten anyone in any way, just an opportunity to picnic with your family safely distanced from other families. Music, a live band, PoshNosh, the Cricket Club bar, Holybourne Honeys, the Church and acres of space to run around and play in. Let’s all come together to show we are still a caring sharing community.
Gates open from 12 but very laid back so if you want to come and pitch your blanket or gazebo, I’ll look forward to seeing you.


Due to COVID, Andrews Endowed School has to have its windows open all through the day.  It would therefore be much appreciated if bonfires could be lit out of school hours and at weekends if possible.  Many thanks.


There has been such a great community feel to the village during this pandemic that I thought it was time to reach out, as a member of the HVA, to explain a little about what we do and canvas some more support from residents for it.

The Holybourne Village Association (HVA) was established in 1974 to fulfil the role of a Parish Council, and represent the views of the village in areas such as planning or matters of public interest, as well as organising social events and raising money for local charities or projects.  All the committee members are volunteers, although any Holybourne resident is automatically a member and free to attend the monthly meetings – on zoom at present but soon, hopefully, in the village hall.

The meetings are on the second Tuesday of every month.  The next one will be at 8 pm on Tuesday 8th June.  If you have even a small amount of time to give and could consider coming on the committee, please come along to any of the meetings before the October AGM (note – there is no meeting in August) to find out what we do.  We would love more Holybourne residents to be involved.

Please e mail me at secretary@holybourne.com if you would like a zoom invitation to the next meeting on the 8th June or look at the HVA page on www.holybourne.com for more information.


From 29th March all the churches across the Parish of the Resurrection will be open again for public worship services.

The rule of six will be in place and we will be following strict social distancing and other public health guidelines. Therefore BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Please email the office… potr.alton@btinternet.com ASAP to request the services you wish to attend and we will try to accommodate you.

We have a whole range of live services to journey through Holy Week and Easter across all four of our churches. I am really looking forward to seeing you again in person at one of our services.

The rule of six will be in place and we will be following strict social distancing and other public health guidelines. Therefore BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Please email the office… potr.alton@btinternet.com ASAP to request the services you wish to attend and we will try to accommodate you.

From then on we will be holding midweek and Sunday worship and will need to carry on taking bookings as before.

Specifically the services at the Church of the Holy Rood in Holybourne will be:

·        2nd April – Good Friday Service at 9:30 am

·        4th April – Easter Communion Service at 9:30 am

It is possible (if we are over booked) we may ask you attend one of the other services. When booking it would therefore be helpful if you could indicate your first choice and your second choice just in case we are over-subscribed. Thank you for your understanding.


Message from Holyrood Church:

Teddies starts online tomorrow at 10am with a story, song and craft relating to Palm Sunday.  We’re going to see how it goes but hope to do it regularly.  Aimed at pre-school children.  If you would like to add that to the website that would be great.  I’ve put something on the Facebook page.  People can message me or Gordon for the Zoom link.    gordon.randall@sky.com or ruthmaryrandall@gmail.com

I am so pleased to announce that from 29th March we will be opening our churches across the Parish of the Resurrection again for public worship services!

We have a whole range of live services to journey through Holy Week and Easter across all four of our churches. I am really looking forward to seeing you again in person at one of our services.

The rule of six will be in place and we will be following strict social distancing and other public health guidelines. Therefore BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. Please email the office… potr.alton@btinternet.com ASAP to request the services you wish to attend and we will try to accommodate you.

From then on we will be holding midweek and Sunday worship and will need to carry on taking bookings as before.

Specifically the services at the Church of the Holy Rood in Holybourne will be:

·        2nd April – Good Friday Service at 9:30 am

·        4th April – Easter Communion Service at 9:30 am

It is possible (if we are over booked) we may ask you attend one of the other services. When booking it would therefore be helpful if you could indicate your first choice and your second choice just in case we are over-subscribed. Thank you for your understanding.


Jo, Paul, Sophia and Stan are moving on from the Holybourne Shop and Post Office.  We would like to say a big thank you to them for all they have done for the village over the last seven years;  the support they have given to us over the last year especially has been much appreciated.  We wish them the best of luck for the future.  We would also like to take this opportunity of welcoming Sid to the village and we hope that he will be very happy here.  He will be taking ownership of the shop on 25th March 2021.


New Defibrillator for Holybourne

After recognising that the defibrillator that has been situated at the White Hart in Holybourne was reaching the end of its life, the HVA was grateful to be able to replace it due largely to grants from District Councillor Graham Hill and County Councillor Andrew Joy.

HVA Chairman David Houghton commented, “Graham and Lesley Cook have looked after and maintained the original defibrillator for the last 12 years and deserve the thanks of the whole village. It was however becoming obsolete and obtaining spares was proving impossible. The new one, which is registered with the local ambulance service, is an updated automatic model which includes a CPR function to guide users through the whole resuscitation process.”

Licensee of the White Hart, Carey Robertson is taking over responsibility for the new one and is pictured with Councillors Hill and Joy and HVA Chair, David Houghton.

See the photo in the photo gallery.


The new defibrillator is now installed and fully functional in the cabinet outside the White Hart.  We would like to thank Graham and Lesley Cook who fundraised for and maintained the original defibrillator.

January 2021

The formal public consultation period has now begun for the proposed parking restrictions in Holybourne.  The Notice Document and maps outlining the proposal are below.  The closing date for comments is 29 January 2021.

Notice is hereby given that East Hampshire District Council pursuant to an arrangement entered into under Section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000, with the Council of the County of Hampshire, propose to make a permanent Order under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to introduce a prohibition of waiting on lengths of Adams Way, Carpenters Close, Cranford Drive, Gaskell Close, London Road, Lower Neatham and Newman Way, a “no waiting between the hours of 11.00am and 1.00pm”, Monday to Friday inclusive on lengths of Adams Way and a “no waiting between the hours of 8.00am and 9.30am and 2.30pm and 4.00pm”, Monday to Friday inclusive on lengths of Complins, Gaskell Close and Thornton End, Holybourne.
Alternatively, these documents are available to view on the East Hampshire District Council website at: www.easthants.gov.uk/tro. Any comments supporting or objecting to the proposal, together with the grounds on which they are made, or any other comments must be received by 29 January 2021, please quote Ref No. AS/TRO/436. These may be sent:-
• by using the online response form at the above web address
• by email to tro@easthants.gov.uk
• in writing to the undersigned below
Please note that objections or comments to this proposal will be kept on a file open to the public.
Dated this eighth day of January 2021.
East Hampshire District Council
Penns Place
Petersfield GU31 4EX
5th January 2021

The HVA will be holding a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 12th January at 8pm.  If you would like to join us please contact Kate Carmichael on secretary@holybourne.com for a zoom invite.

10th December

Dates for your diaries

12th December – A couple of the Mill Cottage Farm Experience donkeys, accompanied by some of the Nativity characters including Mary, Joseph and the shepherds, will tour the village between 2 pm and 4 pm. It’s hoped this will be an opportunity for children and adults alike to stand in the safety of their doorways and driveways and offer a wave and a cheer as the Nativity scene passes by. Along the way there will be an opportunity to make a donation to Bushy Leaze Children and Family Centre and the Women’s Refuge.

16th December – Tune into your local radio from 6 – 7pm.  Stand on your doorstep and sing along to the carols being broadcast. To find Radio Stations that you can tune into take a look at  https://www.doorstepcarols.co.uk/is-your-area-involved-  

A song sheet for the evening can be found at  A song sheet for the evening can be found athttps://www.doorstepcarols.co.uk/Documents/Words-Nov-20_compressed.pdf


4th December 2020

HVA Meeting 8pm on Tuesday 8th December

If you would like to join this meeting, please e mail Kate Carmichael on secretary@holybourne.com and she will send you a zoom invite.


19th November 2020

News from Treloar’s

Last week we broadcast our first ever Virtual Student Concert on YouTube and Facebook.


While our campus is closed to visitors, this event has enabled us to share some of the magical things that take place at Treloar’s. We had such an amazing response to the film from former students, families and supporters, we want to share with the wider community.

With Christmas just around the corner and many Christmas Fairs cancelled or postponed, The Dummer Fair committee have created an online Auction to support Treloar’s . They have sourced over 90 amazing experiences, holidays, gifts and treats. If you’re looking for a very special gift, look no further

The auction website is live for viewing now.

Bidding opens at 6am on Friday 20th November and closes on Sunday 22nd November at 8pm.

5th November 2020

Annual Holybourne Remembrance Service – Saturday 7th Nov 20 at 1100hrs

Delayed and revised Public guidance for Remembrance Services has been adopted to permit Holybourne our private and representative, albeit reduced Service this year.  More than ever, as a village, we need to remember those who have been lost and taken from our village as a result of Service for their country, a sacrifice by those who gave their tomorrow for our today.  As a community, at a time when again we are enduring more losses across the country, it is right that we should pay our respects to those fallen.  This year, not only will we mark 75 years since VE and VJ Days, it is also 100 years since the first Cenotaph Service was conducted.

Please be aware this year there will be no public parade and the road will not be closed.  Village representatives are assembling (within the rules) to conduct a reduced Service, for and on behalf of us all.  Led by serving villagers, Deputy Lord Lieutenant Alan Titchmarsh and Captain John Fitzpatrick RN will lead our short ceremony, say prayers, observe a 2 minute silence at 1100hrs and lead wreath laying for and on behalf of the community.

Rather than attend in person (any public assembly is not permitted or advised), we have provided representation on your behalf.  We ask that where possible, the village may wish to gather at their doors or in private at 1100 hrs on Saturday for 2 minutes, to quietly reflect and pay respect to those lives we have lost.  In addition to the usual wreaths we lay, we intend to lay an NHS wreath to thank those in Public Service whom have supported and enabled us all to manage the current pandemic.

For those that wish to reflect privately, we provide the link here to guide your private reflection and memories at such a significant time for the country (thank you Revd Gordon Randall)…  Holybourne Remembrance 2020.

27th October

Holybourne Winter Fayre

Great News! The Holybourne Village Winter Fayre is going ahead. A dynamic team are beginning to organise what we hope will be a morale bosting event to be held between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 28th November. It will be held at a single central venue in the village and we want as many people involved as possible. If you would like a stall space, then let me know by email to jerrymjj@outlook.com. If you can juggle, entertain, sing or dance then let me know. If you are prepared to help in any way at all, please please let me know. If you want to sell or display your lockdown wares then let me know. We want it to be absolutely fabulous and a wonderful precursor to Christmas. What can you offer to make it a spirit boosting time? We want the village to come together for this.  Could you spread the news please? If everyone who has time could help, we’d have a fantastic event and you’d feel so good about yourself… More to come very soon. Questions to me please.  Jerry Janes

15th October 2020


Please note that there will be no firework display in Holybourne this year.

15th October 2020


The Holybourne Cup is presented each year by the HVA at the AGM to someone who has worked hard for their community.  This year is an exceptional year.  The Holybourne Cup has been presented to Jo and Paul Guppy of Holybourne Shop and Post Office and Carey and Lorne Robertson of the White Hart.  A very big thank you and congratulations to both couples who have been outstanding in helping the community over the pandemic.  See photo gallery for pictures.

20th September 2020

Holybourne Village Association AGM

This will be held on Tuesday 13th October at 8pm via Zoom.
This year has shown us just what a fantastic community we are part of in Holybourne and it would be lovely to see lots of people supporting the HVA.  Please e mail me at secretary@holybourne.com for a zoom invitation.
If you would like to help out on the committee, please let me know as well so that we can put names forward.
We look forward to seeing you there, albeit remotely!!

11th September

“Report Your Local Flooding Issues”.

We have recently had some heavy rain downpours that have highlighted significant weaknesses in our village’s rainwater drainage systems. To avoid a repeat of the 2014 flooding problems it is important that we understand where these weaknesses are and, more importantly, alert the relevant authorities of their presence.
Could we therefore ask anyone who witnessed any recent actual or potential flooding issues to:
  • Allow us (Holybourne Village Association – HVA) to collate this information by sending details (and photos if possible) via email to roblaw860@gmail.com.
  • Inform the relevant authorities of the same via the following website: https://www.hants.gov.uk/landplanningandenvironment/environment/flooding  This might seem a complicated website but it is important to report flooding issues to the correct authority. They collect and collate all reports that they receive and pay more attention to those with the highest number of complaints, effectively those who shout loudest come to the top of the list.
Many thanks for your help in keeping this issue visible to relevant authorities and help us, over time, improve the situation.

11th September

HVA Minutes for July

These have now been published on the website.

2nd September

Holybourne Village Association Meeting

The next HVA meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th September, via Zoom.  If you would like to join this meeting, please contact Kate Carmichael at secretary@holybourne.com and she will send you a Zoom invite.

19th August

Holybourne Magazine

Why not read the latest issue on-line?  Click on the link at the top of the page and read on your tablet or phone.


13th August

Holy Rood Church news

Great news!  The Church of the Holy Rood, Holybourne, will be open for 9.30am non Communion services on Sundays 16, 23 and 30 August.  We have to adhere to guidance regarding sanitisation, face masks, no singing, limited numbers, social distancing and so on, and you do have to book so please email potr.alton@btinternet.com with your contact details (for track and trace) including the number of people in your party or call Rev Gordon on 01420 549567 if you would like to join us.  It would be great to worship with you.  In addition, services continue to be available online via our website https://www.potr-alton.co.uk/

10th August


Yoga classes with Sue will resume in September, on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Look at the Events Calendar to find out more.

10th August

Mill Cottage Farm Walk

Why not take a walk past the farm?  This week the trail is “Optical Illusions”. There are 9 to find……. 🙂

16th July

HVA – June Minutes

These are now available to read in the Holybourne Village Association section

25th June

Planning application for Veolia Incinerator

The planning application for the Veolia incinerator has now been submitted.  It can be viewed at


11th June

Ideas for improving the play area in Holybourne

Alton Town Council are looking to improve the play area in Holybourne next year.  If you have any ideas on how it can be improved, please e mail Kate Carmichael – secretary@holybourne.com.  Any ideas will be put forward to our local Councillors.

11th June

Changes to household waste recycling centre

From 15 June, all HWRCs will revert to their normal summer opening hours of 9am until 6pm, seven days a week. Anyone wishing to visit a site will need to book a slot in advance. People will be able to book a 30-minute slot up to 48 hours in advance. Bookings can be made online at: www.hants.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling

Telephone bookings, for those without access to the online system, can be made by calling 023 8017 9949.

Anyone wishing to book a slot will need to provide their name, car registration and, for online bookings, an email address. Bookings will be limited to one slot per household per week. More information about using the HWRCs is available online.

6th June 2020

Articles wanted for magazine

The deadline for submissions for the HVA village magazine is the 26th of June. I’d love to include articles and photos which reveal how people in the village have spent the lock down so far. Please, even if you have never written anything since leaving school, have a go at describing what you have been up to  with your family or alone. How have you kept boredom at bay or have you been able to continue to work as normal either at your place of work or at home? What have been the challenges and the successes? What have you learned to do in the time you might have had. What will you keep doing once it is all over?
It needn’t be a huge essay. A hundred words or less would be good, just a snippet of life. Tell your story and let it be recorded for posterity. Go on. Have a go!  Submissions to me, jerrymjj@outlook.com or 81, London Road.

25th May 2020

Message from Stuart Sharpe – member of the GB Disabilities Trampoline Squad

While some schools have been able to source supplies of hand sanitiser to help protect staff from Covid-19, some have been left with very little or no sanitiser at all.

I have been involved with primary schools over the previous couple of years as a trampoline coach, running a weekly session for primary school children at a secondary school in Alton, as part of an initiative to allow children to experience different sports. I am a member of the GB Disabilities Trampoline Squad, a former three times British disabilities cat 1 champion, as well as a volunteer trampoline coach for Alton Trampoline Club.

As I am currently furloughed from Bottega dei Sapori (Maggie and Tizzy’s), I thought I would use my time to raise funds for local nursery and primary schools to purchase some much needed hand sanitiser.

Following initial discussions, local distilleries have agreed to produce the much needed hand sanitiser. Now, I need help to raise the funds to pay for it. Hand sanitiser is essential to protect teachers/key workers in schools in order that they can care for the children.

The target set should allow the purchase a good quantity of two different sizes, 250ml and 30ml for use in the schools. All donations will go towards the purchase of hand sanitiser.


15th May 2020

Holybourne Heroes?

At this time when we are acutely aware of the debt of gratitude we owe to everyone who has kept society going while many of us have been staying at home, I’d be grateful to learn of those from the village who really have been working in the front line, in hospitals looking after patients with the virus. Their courage and our debt to them are immeasurable and I’d like to record their names for the village magazine and would also like to suggest that thought is given to some sort of permanent memorial. The war they are fighting is no less threatening or frightening than soldiers faced in the world wars and we do our best to remember them. What do others think? Please contact Jerry at  jerrymjj@outlook.com

16th April 2020

Message from Jerry Janes – editor of the Holybourne Magazine

I am the editor of the village magazine. At the moment very little is happening that would normally form reports for the magazine. There are however many many things going on that I don’t know about. If you are involved with or know of something that might merit an article in the magazine, please let me know and I’d welcome news of what is going on in the village. You might like to write and let me know how you are spending your days if you’re locked in or what the world is like on the outside if you are not. I’m going to have a hard time putting the magazine together if I don’t get contributions so if you have something to offer please don’t be shy about sending it to me. My email address is jerrymjj@outlook.com

24th April 2020

Social Distancing Street Party

May Day bank holiday has been changed to Friday the 8th May to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  Let’s celebrate with a social distancing street party – a picnic in our front gardens.  I have put a poster advertising this in the calendar and put the date in the diary!  Tell as many of your friends as possible.  Time – midday onwards.

15th April 2020

Message from Holyrood Church

Although we have had to lock the church, people ARE most welcome to wander through the churchyard to enjoy the space, take time for reflection and perhaps visit graves.  There has been some discussion on social media to the contrary so we would like to make it clear that the churchyard IS open and everyone is welcome so long as they adhere to social distancing rules and so on.  Notices have been put up to say this.

26th March 2020

Please click on the link for information on bin collections 

15th March 2020

Weekday activities at the church (Teddies, Coffee Mornings and Lent Lunches) are ‘suspended’ for the time being owing to recommendations from the Church of England regarding coronavirus. However, Sunday 9.30am services will take place as usual (with various restrictions in place) as will the weekly prayer meetings on Tuesdays from 11.45am to noon. All welcome.

March 2020

Coronavirus Community Response

Please click on this link to take you to the page.

17th February 2020

If taking waste to the household waste recycling centres after April, cars need to be registered with www.hants.gov.uk/vehicle-registration-hwrc.  Up to 3 vehicles per household can be registered.

29th January 2020

Howards Lane will be shut to traffic until 8th February.