We meet to worship in the beautiful building in Church Lane set next to the duck pond; it’s very clear why the church is popular for weddings and baptisms! The church originates from the 10th century and has been adapted over the years. Eight new bells were installed in 2009 and in recent years some of the pews were replaced with moveable benches which means the space can be adapted for a range of uses including concerts and our regular toddler group. None of the ‘history’ has been lost, however, and there is wonderful architecture, stained glass windows and memorial plaques.
The churchyard is well maintained and is currently still ‘open’ for burials and interments. There are some interesting historical graves to see including some brick barrel graves and a memorial to Diana Rowden, a former agent with the Special Operations Executive during World War II.
The Church of the Holy Rood is an Anglican Church and part of the Parish of the Resurrection, the other churches being St Lawrence and All Saints, both in Alton, and St Peter’s Church at Beech. Plans are currently afoot to incorporate the churches in Lasham, Shalden and Bentworth into the parish too. We are also linked with Alton Methodist Church via the Greater Alton Project.
Sunday services
We meet twice a month for Sunday morning services at 9.30am (second and third Sundays of each month) and refreshments are served afterwards. On the fourth Sunday of each month we meet for an afternoon service at 4pm; coffee and cake is served from 3.15pm.
Each of these services lasts for about an hour. For details please see the parish website (link below).
We sing hymns accompanied by the church organ and do at times incorporate more contemporary worship songs with a band (guitars, keyboard and flute). The services are relaxed in style and usually follow the Church of England Lectionary
Tuesday Morning Coffee and Prayer
We meet from 10am to 11.45am every Tuesday for coffee, cake and good company, ending with a short time of prayer from 11.45am to 12noon. Visitors are always welcome to stay and join us whether they stay for ten minutes or the whole two hours. Dogs and children are welcome too!
On a Wednesday morning the ‘Teddies’ meet from 9.45am; this is a preschool group for babies and young children and those who are caring for them, not only mums and grandparents, often dads and carers join in too. There is no charge. You will always find a warm welcome, along with a simple craft, stories, songs, prayers and a ‘teddy bear hunt’, plus simple refreshments.
Opening times
The building is open every day; timings vary from day to day but generally the church is open by 9.30am until at least 4pm. We love having visitors pop in; do leave us a message in our visitor book!
Pilgrim’s Way
The Church is on this popular long distance walking trail which leads from Winchester to Canterbury; if you have an official Pilgrim’s Way ‘passport’ you will be able to get it stamped here. We usually have a small supply of snacks to encourage you on your way!
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
We would be pleased to discuss your plans with you. In the first instance please contact our Parish Administrators via the website (link below).
Church Hire
Again, please contact our Parish Administrators via the website (link below).
Contact details
For further information about the church and the parish you are invited to take a look at the website (www.potr-alton.co.uk) and the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/potralton).
Holyrood Church, Church Lane, Alton GU34 4HD